
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Ep. 81: Energy From Motion with Dr. Garrett Foland
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Recently I visited Straight Shot’s sister company, Kinetix Physiotherapy and Performance, as we have been working together to reach more people who want to move well and feel great. The physical therapy side of Kinetix is headed up by Dr. Garrett Foland. Dr. Foland started out as a personal trainer, but realized that he wanted to further his education to provide care through movement to people injured or experiencing pain. This movement based approach to physical therapy is right up my alley so I wanted to have Dr. Foland on to talk about how he got into physical therapy, how they do things differently at Kinetix, and what you all should look for when trying to find a physical therapist who can help you feel and perform your absolute best.

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Ep. 80: Cut Calories, Save Money, and Afford a Trainer!
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
If you're looking to clean up your diet AND make some room in your budget for a personal trainer, you've gotta listen to this quick episode!
I present some very conservative dietary swaps and cut backs that'll help you eat better, cut calories, and save money all to help you lose weight and get connected with a trainer who will provide you with custom workouts and one-on-one accountability.

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Ep. 79: Self Care Isn't Always Comfortable
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
I've said before that the "no days off/you won't outwork me" mentality is hurting a lot of athletes, but I've noticed a concerning trend in the opposite direction recently. "Self care" posts are everywhere encouraging people to relax on their diets, training programs, sleep schedule, and overall effort level in their fitness regime.
Here's the problem...self care includes being uncomfortable sometimes. Growth is self care, and you have to do some "not fun" things in order to progress.
In this episode, I explain how to find balance depending on your goals, and why you need to learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Ep. 78: How to "Tone Up" Correctly
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
"Toning Up" is a very common fitness goal, but my clients are always surprised when I tell them what they need to do to achieve their expressed result. In this episode I quickly break down the two possible methods you'll need to choose from in order to "tone up."

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Ep. 77: Should You Go Back To The Gym?
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Many gyms around the country are opening back up, but is it worth it for you personally to go back? In this episode, I go over the pros and cons of your return to the gym and give my honest opinion on the responsibility of the both the fitness professional and gym goer amid the current pandemic.

Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Ep. 76: Reflections on Rest and Recovery (Working Out At Home pt. 6)
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
I know you didn't ask for a 3 month sabbatical from the gym, but consider this...you probably needed it.
Rest and recovery is the most undervalued portion of your training and hopefully you've seen over the past few months how restorative rest can be for you.
With gyms opening back up all over the country, I wanted to use this episode to highlight the benefits of rest and recovery and teach you how to come back to the gym with more of a balance of training and recovering.

Wednesday May 20, 2020
Ep. 75: Don't Sideline Your Goals (Working Out At Home pt. 5)
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
How has it been working towards your gym goals while at home? If you feel like you've been spinning your wheels just trying to hold on to your fitness level while doing what you can at your house, you need to listen to this episode!
I explain how you can not only maintain what you've worked for in the gym, but how to actually INCREASE your fitness level and work towards your goals while continuing to train at home!

Sunday May 03, 2020
Ep. 74: What's Your Training Plan? (Working Out At Home pt. 4)
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Whether you are still working with your personal trainer virtually, following an online program, for making up your own workouts, one thing is true...you can't NOT have a program! Winging isn't just ineffective, it could get you hurt if you aren't careful. In this episode I go through some different scenarios of how to keep up with whatever your program was or is now until we get back into the gym. I also give you tips on how to make your own awesome workouts that follow the Straight Shot programming principles!

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Ep. 73: Finding Motivation to Train (Working Out At Home pt. 3)
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Struggling to find the motivation to work out? Don't worry, you're in the same boat as a LOT of people missing their gym, workout partners, routines, and coaches. However just because it's typical to not feel super motivated to workout at home, that doesn't mean you shouldn't work on fixing it. In this episode I offer some strategies to help you find both internal and external motivators to help you get proactive about the consistency of your training at home.

Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Ep. 72: Nutrition Troubleshooting (Working Out At Home pt. 2)
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Are you snacking all day? Not knowing what to eat for your meals? Struggling to avoid all of the quarantine snacks in your house? You are not alone. I put together my top four most frequently noticed issues people are having with food while at home and offer my possible solutions to each in this episode.

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Ep. 71: Working Out At Home pt. 1: Equipment
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Let's be honest...it's not likely that gyms will be open soon, so we need a plan to transition to home workouts. Arguing, lamenting, and complaining aren't going to do anything. We need to get tactical.
Over the next 6 episodes I am going to guide you through how to maintain what you've worked for in the gym and how to actually continue to get fitter at home.
In this first episode of the series, we'll get straight to the point of what inexpensive items you need to get started at home, and what things will help you even more if you can afford it. I even cover what you can find in your yard to use for equipment.

Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Ep. 70: "What's Your Excuse?" Isn't Helping Anyone
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
In the age of "fitsporational" posts I see a lot of "what's your excuse?" captions and taglines. While the poster's intentions are probably good, the phrase most likely doesn't have the effect they want it to.
In this episode I go through the 3 categories of excuses (and each one's validity), and how we need to take a more practical, grounded approach to gym motivation.